M1 2人、B4 3人+浦田で、春セメスター期間中、ゼミを行いました。ゼミは、(1)理論ゼミ-離散選択モデル-、(2)理論ゼミ-待ち行列-、(3)理論ゼミ-アルゴリズム-、(4)論文ゼミ、(5)小田ゼミの大きく5つのパートに分けて、行いました。理論ゼミでは、本や論文を読んで、研究でこれから活かすための基礎理論を学びました。論文ゼミでは、それぞれの研究テーマに合った論文や書籍を割りあて、熟読し、研究の基盤を築きました。理論ゼミ・論文ゼミともに、自分で学んだ内容をパワポにまとめて発表し、ゼミの場で質問に答えることで、より学びを深めました。小田ゼミでは、冬ゼミの成果を精査し、現地での発表を行いました。地域の人がエビデンスから感じてもらえるか、何を問題と感じているかを体感することができました。
During the spring semester, we held seminars with two M1 students, three B4 students, and Dr. Urata. The seminars were divided into five main parts: (1) Theoretical Seminar – Discrete Choice Models, (2) Theoretical Seminar – Queuing Theory, (3) Theoretical Seminar – Algorithms, (4) Paper reading Seminar, and (5) Oda Seminar. In the theoretical seminars, we read books and papers to learn fundamental theories that will be useful in our research. In the paper seminar, each student was assigned papers or books related to their research topics, which they studied thoroughly to build a strong research foundation. For both the theoretical and paper seminars, students created presentations to summarize what they learned and presented them during the seminar, answering questions to deepen their understanding. In the Oda seminar, we refined the results from the winter seminar and presented them on-site, gaining insights into how the local community perceives our evidence and what issues they consider important.
We held a joint seminar on the basics of Python for newly assigned third-year students, in collaboration with the Eom and Wada labs. Many students hadn’t used Python since their first year, but learning together made it easier to get started with programming. The seminar was divided into two parts: a joint session covering fundamentals like types, control statements, functions, file I/O, and map visualization, and an advanced session where each lab focused on specific applications. In the advanced session, we analyzed survey and GPS data from Oda area, and presented our findings on-site.
I participate as one of the faculty members in an exercise class in the fall semester for third-year students. In the very flexible exercise of creating an city master plan, I would like to actively participate in discussions so that we can make proposals that address both realistic issues and future urban vision.
理工学群の共通数学の一つである「微積分1」の講義を担当しています。1変数の微分(平均値の定理、ロピタルの定理、マクローリン展開)と1変数の積分(有理数の不定積分、広義積分、曲線の長さ)を教えています。I am responsible for teaching “Calculus I,” one of the common mathematics courses in the School of Science and Engineering. The course covers single-variable differentiation, including the Mean Value Theorem, L’Hôpital’s Rule, and Maclaurin Series, as well as single-variable integration, including the indefinite integration of rational functions, improper integrals, and the calculation of arc length. [2024シラバス/Syllabus]
The new seminar series from Oct. 2023 on MDA (Mathematics, Data Science, AI) cross-disciplinary integration/collaboration were started. The seminars focus on leveraging MDA for innovation and contributing to society through collaboration with other fields. The seminars are organized around themes such as ‘Symbiosis’, ‘Intelligence’, and ‘Observation’. In each session, attendees are exposed to the frontier of MDA research and engage in discussions on the potential for integration and collaboration beyond traditionally perceived domain boundaries.
ミクロ経済学、ミクロ計量経済学を中心に、2年生の12月〜1月に教えています。2023年度からは非常勤講師として教えます。I teach Microeconomics and Microeconometrics from December to January for sophomore year’s students. I will be teaching as a part-time instructor starting in 2023.
都市工学専攻,建築学専攻と共同で、事前復興や実際の復興の現場を対象に、具体の設計デザイン、都市プランニング、復旧復興過程への提案などを行う建築・都市・土木を横断する設計演習です。In collaboration with the Department of City Planning and the Department of Architecture, and the Department of Civil Engineering, the lecture is a design exercise across architecture, urbanism, civil engineering, urban planning, and proposals for the recovery and reconstruction processes and specific spatial and architectural designs, targeting sites of preliminary and actual reconstruction.
[LINK: 最終提案作品 Proposed from students’ groups]
Under the theme of “What would happen if downtown Tokyo were to be hit by a major flood,” we asked first-year students to imagine the actual situation during the evacuation and disaster recovery phases while conducting on-site surveys and GIS tools.
The course was offered as an English class, shared by several faculty members, and taught the theory underlying research in the field of transportation, including discrete choice models, transportation networks, logistics, and machine learning.
[Link: Syllabus]