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Research Projects


研究テーマを具体に推し進め、実現するため、当研究室では以下の研究プロジェクトに取り組んでいます。 / We engage in the following research projects to advance the above-mentioned research topics.

1. 災害時都市活動支援のためのsoftware2.0型シミュレータの開発 / Development of Software 2.0-style Activity Demand Simulator for a post-disaster situation


Once a major disaster occurs in a metropolitan area, various problems arise. One of the problems this project focuses on is predicting urban activities during the recovery period. Demand prediction contributes an efficient control of transportation and humanitarian logistics after a disaster situation. We are working on technological development and research to immediately predict human behavior and the accompanying flow of goods in the event of an emergency using simulations. For details, please see the separate page.

参照 Relevant Information

  • – JST創発的研究支援事業/Fusion Oriented Research for disruptive Science and Technology [LINK]
  • – 小野 悠, 井本 佐保里, 浦田 淳司, 萩原 拓也, 羽藤 英二, 日本の復興計画の研究動向と今後の展望 -1995年以降の建築・都市・土木の計画分野を中心に-, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 第87巻, 第799号, pp. 1832-1843, 2022年. [Link]
  • – Chikaraishi, M., Garg, P., Varghese, V., Yoshizoe, K., Urata, J., Shiomi, Y., Watanabe, R.: On the possibility of short-term traffic prediction during disaster with machine learning approaches: An exploratory analysis, Transport Policy, Vol. 98, pp. 91-104, 2020. [LINK]

2. 災害時交通網の動学的設計にむけた不確かさ回避行動の評価手法の構築 / Development of an evaluation method of uncertainty avoidance behavior for dynamic design of disaster transportation networks


What do people think about and choose in an uncertain emergency situation? When and how can we evacuate with less effort? How can we commute to work or school in the midst of traffic chaos during the recovery period? We are conducting research to clarify invisible decision-making in uncertainty.

参照 Relevant Information

  • – 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) Grants-in-Aid for Scentific Research (B) [LINK]
  • – Urata, J., Hato, E., Dynamics in Local Interactions and Evacuation Behaviors in a Social Network, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 125, 103056, 2021. [LINK]

3. 発展途上国や低人口密度地域におけるマルチバスネットワークの最適設計 / Optimal Design of Multi-bus Networks in Developing Countries and low-density area


In developing countries such as South Asia, transportation infrastructure for large-scale transportation, such as railroads and subways, needs to be developed, and most people use roads (private cars and motorcycles) to get around. In addition, road congestion has become a daily occurrence. We will focus on buses, a means of transportation that uses existing road infrastructure to transport large numbers of users and attempt to optimize the design of a bus network that includes both public buses that use dedicated roads (BRT) and existing private buses (ParaTransit). Such a network design of multiple bus systems can be applied to the coming era of public automated driving.

参照 Relevant Information

  • – Zeeshan, M., Urata, J., Hato, E., A Review of Bus Transit Route Network Design Problem Considering Developing Nations. [LINK]

4. 地域とエネルギー研究 / Workshop on Energy Cycle for Regional Planning


Japan’s and the world’s energy policies, which have changed dramatically since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, have been further shaken by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A stable energy supply leads to sound national and regional management. This is a research project that we just started working on in 2023. We will first deepen our learning in cooperation with the Regional and Energy Research Group (link to separate page) and the Smart City Carbon Neutral sub-committee of Association for Planing and Transportation Studies.

5. 周南スマートシティプロジェクト


coming soon!

6. つくば市小田地域QoL向上プロジェクト


We’re collaborating with “Sumai to Kurashi no Soudan Platto”, a local non-profit organization active in the Oda region of Tsukuba city. To maintain life in areas facing population decline, comprehensive support through interdisciplinary collaboration, like mobility assistance and home maintenance, is essential. As the aging population and vacant homes increase, it’s crucial to address community-wide challenges: area management. Among various issues, we aim to focus on and devise ways to support “mobility”. Here, “mobility” refers to both individual outings and movements from the outside, like house visits for medical care, mobile sales, and the influx of related populations.