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行動モデル夏の学校2024に参加してきました / Partcipating BMSS 2024





We attended the 23rd Behavioral Modeling Summer School 2024 (BMSS2024) from September 11 to 13. BMSS2024 is a summer school where students from research labs in Japan, India, and Pakistan, focusing on behavioral modeling and transportation behavior analysis, come together. The program consists of three main parts: lectures on the basics and applications of behavioral analysis, presentations and discussions on cutting-edge transportation research by invited speakers, and a workshop (data analysis competition) on estimating behavioral models and policy analysis using real behavioral data.

This year, our lab at the University of Tsukuba participated in the competition for the first time, engaging with students from 16 universities and 22 teams, as well as the BMSS2024 faculty. Our team, LOREFC (Tamura, Wei, Nakazawa, Nakajima, Nakayama), presented in the workshop with a study titled “The Influence of Pedestrian Space Development on Transportation Choices in the Central Area of Matsuyama City.” We analyzed how to increase pedestrian use in three areas of Matsuyama City: Matsuyama-City Station, Dogo, and Matsuyama Station districts. Specifically, we wanted to evaluate the effects of urban developments aimed at creating a vibrant, interactive city centered around Matsuyama City Station and Matsuyama Station.

Our analysis used natural language processing (with Mecab) to analyze comments with spatial impressions and location data, identifying whether the comments were positive or negative. We then linked these evaluations to road networks to examine their impact on transportation mode choice. The results showed that negative impressions of certain areas discouraged walking, highlighting the need for more careful urban design, such as parking placement and pedestrian-friendly street formation. Our presentation was awarded first place among the 22 teams! (We did it!)

Despite being nervous about our first participation, the warm discussions and advice helped us successfully complete our presentation. Over the three days, we learned a lot about behavioral models, transportation engineering, and real-world case studies, and we look forward to applying this knowledge to future research.

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