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Summer Camp at Shimanami / 研究&まちの夏合宿@しまなみ



We went to Shimanami for a three-day summer research camp. We had a joint seminar with professors and students from Prof. Chikaraishi’s group at Hiroshima University (HU) and Assi. Prof. Kawase’s group at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TI Tech). We also learned about community FM disaster networks and broadcasting initiatives at Radio Baribari, the viewpoint network along the Shimanami Kaido, and walkable urban development in Matsuyama. It was a broad learning experience from research to practical applications.

In the joint seminar, HU and TI Tech presented their research on the impact of networks during disasters, using three approaches: network analysis, dynamic traffic flow models, and behavioral models. From our side, we presented the system development of a disaster scenario SP survey and the research status of a long-term and short-term integrated model for predicting the spread of EV charging. We also discussed the future development potential of these studies. The following day, we held an independent seminar where our students showcased the results of their spring and summer research, which was a relief.

We also visited Radio Baribari, a community FM station that has supported me since my student days, to discuss the role of community FM in disaster response. While smartphones and the internet are convenient and widely used, having FM radio, amateur radio, and networks with citizens as part of disaster preparedness is reassuring. Like Tsuchiura, Matsuyama’s city center is evolving, and the use of wide roads for urban development may see further progress.

We toured Umashima, Oshima, Omishima, and Hakatajima by bicycle and car, experiencing the unique strengths of coastal cycling roads compared to the Rinrin Road on Tsuchiura. Despite the challenging hills, the varying viewpoints added interest. This trip also made me think about the value of the landscapes there and the implications of monetizing them through tourism.

In a quick tour of Matsuyama, we walked around Hanazono-machi Street, Matsuyama City Station, Gintengai, Okaido, and Ropeway Street. Despite being in the midst of redevelopment, we was surprised by the number of pedestrians and cyclists, and we learned a lot about the detailed street space design of Hanazono-cho Street and Ropeway Street.

Knowing good examples of spatial planning and design is essential for creating plans and designs. It’s important to consider multiple perspectives to move beyond mere proposals to actual implementation, and both pre- and post-surveys, along with data and theories, are necessary to flesh out practical applications.

Although it was only three days, it was a fulfilling experience. As we move into a fruitful autumn, our lab will now take a summer break.

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