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Summerizing seminar of our Winter-studies / 冬研究まとめゼミ





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We held a seminar to summarize the results of the winter research and fieldwork (FW), focusing on the work carried out by the third-year undergraduates from this January to March. For the presentation on the Oda mini FW, we were joined by Professor Eom and Ms. Tang, who had collaborated with us in the joint Python seminar, and they provided their comments.

In the first half, we focused on reporting the mini fieldwork that targeted the Oda district in Tsukuba City, an area designated for the maintenance of local residency. Our goal was to “Identify specific problems and uncover the latent potential towards sustaining a multi-generational living foundation in the district.” Initially, to better understand the region, we created old maps to study the spatial transitions over time, organized a historical chronology, and analyzed current population dynamics and characteristics of vacant house distribution. Additionally, for sustaining the lives of those with mobility challenges, such as the elderly and students, providing public transportation is indispensable. To this end, we analyzed low-frequency activities, such as shopping habits, using surveys and GPS data. While it’s still a work in progress, we plan to conduct a local exchange of opinions in late April.

In the latter half, we presented Mr. Nakazawa’s analysis of patterns in mobile medical services, Mr. Nakayama’s introduction to a simulator for disaster recovery period, Dr. Urata’s review of Large Language Models for interview survey, and Mr. Nakajima’s presentation on the essence of his interview survey. While these topics might seem disjointed at first glance, we applied spatial data visualization techniques learned in our Python seminar and built foundational knowledge for our theses, revealing the progress made since January. Let’s continue to move forward, step by step.

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